
Study Guides

Let’s face it: Studying can be hard. Even if the material is interesting, it can be difficult to memorize and understand everything. If it was easy to do, everyone in the world would be a professional at something.

That said, there are many techniques that help to enhance the effectiveness of the time and effort put into studying. The saying goes “Study smart, not hard”. At Kangaroo Global, we believe that you should do both! Here are some suggestions to make your studies much more successful, rewarding, and easier:


Choose a place that is comfortable and calm. Aside from that, the location depends completely upon your own preferences. Some people may enjoy studying at home due to their comfort and privacy, but being too comfortable can lead to distractions and laziness, and sometimes home can be full of other people doing their own activities. Some people prefer libraries for the quiet and calm, but this level of quiet may be too much and cause boredom and restlessness. A café is another popular venue for study, as it has food and beverages, some ambient noise, and the presence of other people, but these could also provide distractions and disruptions. Outdoors is also an option, but is limited by the lack of electricity and proper seating.



Very closely related to location, the amount of sound in the environment plays an important role in studying. For some people, absolute silence is optimal as it allows them to focus entirely on the task at hand with no distractions. This can be achieved by studying in a library or at home, or even in a more loud room but with noise-canceling earphones.

This style of studying in silence may not work for everyone. As with locations, a quiet study time may prove to be too isolated and intense for some, who would rather study with a bit of background noise, in which case choosing a location such as a café or on-campus study room is advisable. Sound can also be added by listening to music, which can help people focus on tasks by giving them rhythm and stimulating their brains. Experts recommend no more than 70 decibels of ambient noise.

Time of the day

Very closely related to location, the amount of sound in the environment plays an important role in studying. For some people, absolute silence is optimal as it allows them to focus entirely on the task at hand with no distractions. This can be achieved by studying in a library or at home, or even in a more loud room but with noise-canceling earphones.

This style of studying in silence may not work for everyone. As with locations, a quiet study time may prove to be too isolated and intense for some, who would rather study with a bit of background noise, in which case choosing a location such as a café or on-campus study room is advisable. Sound can also be added by listening to music, which can help people focus on tasks by giving them rhythm and stimulating their brains. Experts recommend no more than 70 decibels of ambient noise.


Duration of Study

This depends completely upon the individual and their preferences and capacity. Ideally, your study is not done all at once in one long study session and is done in many segments over the duration of your course. Studying for too long can lead to fatigue and lack of concentration, and you will not absorb everything.


The optimal study routine is to study for 50 minutes and have a 10-minute break. Break are important because they allow the mind to refresh and to process what has been absorbed, instead of constantly bombarding it with new information. During your breaks, you should change your environment and activity; eat some food, do some physical activity, or at least watch or listen to something entertaining.

coffee break

Alone or in a Group?

Kangaroo Global recommends a mix of both studying both alone and in a group. Studying alone allows you to go at your own speed, focus completely on the material, and avoid distractions. Studying in a group allows you to test, teach, correct, and motivate each other, but may also lead to distractions. It is important to choose the people you study with carefully, and to ensure that they are serious about study and able to assist you