
Job Seeking Guides

Finding work as an international student or graduate can be difficult: the different culture, society, language, and rules can be overwhelming, all while focusing on your studies. But it also very beneficial, both in terms of the money you can earn and the experiences you can gain. Working while studying overseas is an excellent way to learn the language, get immersed in the local culture, make new friends, and get valuable work experience which will develop your skills and employability. Kangaroo Global encourages our clients to get work overseas, and here are several tips on getting a job during and after your studies abroad.

Know your rights, responsibilities, and restrictions

Make sure that you are aware of how many hours your visa allows you to work, which may vary between semesters and breaks, and make sure that you are receiving the appropriate payment and entitlements that you deserve! Ensure that you are spacing out your hours of work enough so that you can still study effectively.


Use your ConnectionsYou are not alone! Despite being away from your extensive network of family and friends at home, you can still use the contacts that you have at home and in your new home to get work. Kangaroo Global helps our clients by connecting them with relevant contacts who can offer them opportunities. You can also ask your classmates, housemates, and new friends for any suggestions or references. Your educational institution will also have resources available to help you along with your job search.

Make your resume stand out!

If you are applying for casual work, chances are that you are one of many who are submitting applications for work. A generic and boring resume will not help you make an impression on employers, especially if all of your references are from overseas. Put some effort into making your resume look very appealing and make the written content attention-grabbing and unique. Kangaroo Global will happily help you with preparing your resume.

How to apply

if you are applying for a business such as a café, restaurant, or a relatively small business, it is recommended that you go in person to make a good impression. You will show that you are dedicated, enthusiastic, proactive, and sociable. It will also give you a chance to talk to the staff and leave a memory in their minds, rather than being just another resume. If you do this, you should make sure that you are approaching at an appropriate time when it is not busy, and you should try to speak with a manager or someone higher up in the organization. If the business is larger, you may have to submit your application online.

This is easy enough to do on their websites under careers, employment, jobs, about us, or news. It is strongly recommended that applicants follow up their applications by contacting the employers and asking if they received your application and if there is anything else that they need, or if enough time has passed, enquiring as to the progress of the applications. This is less about finding out whatever you are asking, and more about demonstrating a sincere desire and dedication to working there. They may receive hundreds of applications, so contacting them to remind them is a very effective way to keep yourself fresh in their minds.



If you are called into an interview, you must approach these very professionally, even if the company has a relaxed atmosphere. This is to demonstrate that you can be responsible and serious if required. It is advised that you research the company, have a few questions ready to ask them to show interest, dress appropriately, arrive early, and, most importantly, prepare some answers to generic interview questions.
