Our expert teams in our many offices around the world are dedicated to providing you with the highest quality immigration assistance and advice. They know:
We’ll assist you in every step of the way when applying for a Visa to their selected destination.
We’ll also assist you with the acquisition of the appropriate health insurance, as this is a complex yet necessary requirement for arrival. This would cover visits to the doctor, hospital, as well as ambulance services, and prescription medication.
Once you have been accepted into an educational institution, then you are able to apply for a student visa. Like the application for enrolment, this step can vary significantly depending on the country you’re applying to. You may be required to do or present the following:
Our counselors will assist you with the collection, completion, and submission of the documentation and make sure it’s of the highest standards possible. The processing time for such applications can range from a couple of months to almost a year, so it is important to ensure that you commence the process as early as possible. Once you receive the student visa, you will be able to embark upon your academic adventure of a lifetime!